Jangan remehkan profesi yang Anda tekuni saat ini meski kesannya sepele. Bisa jadi, dengan ketekunan dan semangat, profesi yang Anda tekuni saat ini akan mengantarkan Anda kesuksesan.
Ada seorang bocah yang terpaksa berhenti sekolah dan kemudian bekerja di usia 11 tahun untuk membantu ayahnya yang sakit. Bocah itu, JamesE.Casey, kemudian bekerja sebagai pengantar pembungkus ke sebuah gudang serbaada dengan gaji hanya 2,5 dolar.
Untuk menambah pendapatan, ia juga bekerja menjadi pengantar telegraf. Karena merasa sudah menguasai pekerjaan antar mengantar itu, James pada usia 15 tahun bersama dua rekannya mencoba membuka sendiri usaha antaran.
Dari awalnya hanya bisa mengantar barang dengan berjalan berjalan kaki, akhirnya mereka bisa membeli sepeda, sepeda motor, dan akhirnya mereka berkembang dengan menggunakan truk.
Usaha yang dirintis James E. Casey itu sekarang dikenal sebagai UPS (United Parcel Service) dan telah mempunyai lebih dari 340.000 karyawan di seluruh dunia dengan omset per tahun lebih dari US$22 milyar.
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Do the Best in your life |
Within each of us there is a mysterious innate force that drives us onward. It wants us to do better and be better. Call that force conscience, ambition, determination, power of will, or whatever you choose, it constantly whispers in our ears words of advice, stimulation and encouragement. If you will but heed the voice and utilize that inner power to the limit of its potentialities, nothing on earth can stop your progress."
-- James E. Casey, 1947
"One measure of your success will be the degree to which you build up others who work with you. While building up others, you will build up yourself."
"The basic principle which I believe has contributed more than any other to the building of our business as it is today, is the ownership of our company by the people employed in it."
-- James E. Casey, 1955
"Our future leaders will be our people who today, are forging ahead, modestly and quietly. They are plain, simple people who are doing their best on their present jobs...what ever those jobs may happen to be. Such people will not fail us when called for bigger things".
"Determined people working together can achieve anything".
Bosson - One in a million
You're one in a million / You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million / You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
I've been looking for that special one
You're one in a million / You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million / You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
I've been looking for that special one
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